Feb 28, 2023, 2:30 PM

At Conference on Disarmament;

Iran warns against any IAEA BoG's possible unwise decision

Iran warns against any IAEA BoG's possible unwise decision

TEHRAN, Feb. 28 (MNA) – Iranian foreign minister urged the United Nations' nuclear watchdog to abandon the politicized approaches, warning against any possible unwise decision by the IAEA Board of Governors' upcoming meeting in March.

Speaking at the High Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said that the current situation of JCPOA is the product of US policies and miscalculations. Past experiences have taught Iran to become engaged in the new round of negotiations with more care and sensitivity

The Iranian diplomat also urged the International Atomic Energy Agency to abandon the political approach as the technical solution is very close. "In recent days, the Agency's technical delegation's traveled to Iran, and we have also invited the Agency's Director General to visit Iran. If the agency abandons its political approach, we are very close to a technical solution."

Following is the full text of his speech:

I congratulate you for assuming the presidency of the Conference on Disarmament. 

I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran before the High Level Segment of this august body. 

Today, taking concrete measures for global disarmament is a fundamental necessity. Without concrete steps toward the elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction, especially nuclear weapons, strengthening international and regional peace and security would not be realistic.   

Eight decades after the use of nuclear weapons, despite all international efforts, the goal of nuclear disarmament remains elusive. 

For that reason, it is regrettable that the international community’s call for nuclear disarmament and the compliance of the Nuclear Weapon States with their disarmament obligations has not been realized. Despite their unequivocal legal obligations, the Nuclear Weapon States, have continued the expansion of their nuclear weapons.

Regrettably, Nuclear Weapon States, instead of honoring their disarmament obligations, have developed and produced new generations and modernized their nuclear arsenals, which have undermined NPT and threatened international peace and security.

The main problem is that some Nuclear Weapon States believe that NPT is binding solely for Non-Nuclear Weapon States and not for themselves. Nonetheless, the gravity of the dangers and threats posed by nuclear weapons, requires that nuclear disarmament, as one of the main pillars of NPT, should be the top priority of the international community and the most urgent task before the Conference on Disarmament.

Iran, as a victim of the WMD along with the peace-loving nations, firmly believes that the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is their total and irreversible elimination, and pending the realization of that goal, the Non-Nuclear Weapon States have the right to be assured against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. 

In the same vein, for the realization of the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons, a treaty on the prohibition of fissile materials would only be useful if it would cover previous stockpiles, apply non-discriminatorily to Nuclear Weapons States with an effective verification mechanism and will not prevent Non-Nuclear Weapon States from their peaceful nuclear activities.

The establishment of nuclear weapons-free zones is a fundamental step toward nuclear disarmament and peace and security. The initiative of a Middle East nuclear-free zone, which was initiated by Iran, has been effectively blocked for many years by the Zionist regime. The Israeli regime with the support of the US keeps accumulating all kinds of WMD without being a party to any international legally binding disarmament instruments and without being subject to any accountability, safeguards, or verification mechanism.

{Since its inception, this law-breaking regime has committed all international core crimes, including aggression against all its neighbors, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and occupation of the territories of several neighboring countries. This terrorist regime has assassinated several innocent nuclear scientists and has, time and again, threatened to attack safeguarded peaceful nuclear facilities of my country. If this regime commits such foolish aggression, it will pay a heavy and unbearable price.}

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls for the start of negotiations on a binding treaty to ban an arms race in outer space. Outer space should be the domain of peace and cooperation for the development and well-being of humankind. 

Starlink, with the support of the US, has started its illegal operation within the territory of Iran. Iran reserves its right to take any necessary measures against any threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program is fully peaceful and will remain so forever. Iran is determined, as confirmed till now, to remain fully committed to its obligations under its comprehensive safeguards agreement. Iran warns against any possible unwise decision by the IAEA Board of Governors' upcoming meeting in March. Iran reserves its right to give an appropriate response.

Just in recent past days, two IAEA technical teams visited Iran and we invited the director general of the IAEA to visit Iran. We will be very close to a technical solution if the IAEA abandons its politicized approaches.

The current status of the JCPOA is the product of US policies and miscalculations. Our past experience taught us to become engaged in the new round of negotiations with more care and sensitivity. The few remaining issues could be addressed easily. Therefore, without any preconditions and through goodwill and determination of all parties and within the framework of the negotiations held until now, the final steps of the talks can be taken. The US needs to have the will and strength to conclude the lengthy talks. We remain ready to continue until the conclusion of the agreement.

I would like to seize the opportunity to reiterate our position on the Ukraine Crisis. As a victim of war, threat, and unilateral sanctions, our principle position is respect for the Charter of the UN and international law, including non-use of force or threat to force, territorial integrity, and sovereign equality. Iran denounces war and unilateral sanctions and its absolute preference is the peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue and diplomacy.

In particular, Iran condemns the Cold War era hegemonic mentality and unilateralism. Iran is conveying its deep regret for the continuation of the war and is reaffirming its neutral position.

The time for genuine diplomacy to be activated is now in order to end the conflict and all unilateral actions rather than advertising and fueling the war, as well as accusing others baselessly. 

Finally, I would like to reiterate that the UN, its disarmament machinery, multilateralism, and diplomacy should have a central role in our common efforts. 

The international community is in desperate need of constructive dialogue in order to prevent further deterioration of the international disarmament architecture. Due to its unique role as the single multilateral negotiating forum on disarmament, the CD can significantly contribute to international peace and security. 


News ID 197943


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    • am US 18:02 - 2023/02/28
      1 0
      why do you allow them to inspect the sites at first place as this organization's task is only spying for the zionists